The third in our series of blogs about the team here at Bullens is written by Megan Taylor. Megan is currently our Marketing Assistant and is working with us for 12 months as part of her Marketing degree at Liverpool John Moores University.
The 1st January 2017 marked 7 months since I joined Bullen Healthcare, and I have to say that the expression ‘time flies when you’re having fun’ has certainly rung true. My experience so far has been full of many highs, I’ve made some great friends along the way and I’ll be really sad when it’s soon over.
Rewind back to the 1st June last year, I was sat on the train feeling nervous x1000, mainly because I couldn’t even remember what time the working day was meant to start (but luckily my 9am guess was right!). I was starting my job as ‘Marketing Assistant’, fresh out of my 2nd year university exams, and was embarking on a yearlong work placement with Bullen Healthcare.
All my life all I have really ever known is healthcare, my mum has always been a urology nurse, and so talking about catheters and Urostomys around the dinner table was quite the norm in our family. Prior to starting university I also worked as an IDA (Imaging Department Assistant) in a very busy hospital CT department, it was a job I sometimes really miss, but it definitely opened my eyes to the real world and gave me an advantage to get where I am now. In this job I get the best of both worlds, I still get to interact with patients when I attend Stoma Patient Open Days with the external company reps, and I also get to see the ins and outs of how a business works- something I was completely naïve to before, and had only read about in university textbooks.
As you can imagine I didn’t hesitate to accept the job offer at Bullen when the opportunity was given to me, and it also means I can now watch episodes of 24 hours in A&E without feeling like I’m doing an overtime shift.
Since starting I’ve been involved in aspects of social media, internal communications, branding and website development, to name a few. Even now I’m still not quite sure if my university tutor understood the role I have, or the complexity of the industry due to how niche it is, but he did a good job of smiling and nodding during his visit.
It’s a sad thought that there will still be ongoing projects that I won’t get to see the end outcome of before I leave, but I’ll be happy to pass the book on to the next placement student that replaces me, and feel confident that the knowledge and experience I have gained during my time here will be vital to me and my future by the time I finish my Marketing degree next June.